Project Tempus JPGR 511342 - iKnow
WP.1 (DEV) eStudent Management System
The eStudent Information System aims to keep and administer records and personal files for students. This system will be realized by innovative approach and knowledge management techniques allowing exchange of information among all stakeholders including students, professors, administration, University Management and Ministry of Education.
The system includes enrolment, registration of courses and electives, reporting and pro-active customized notification, student identification, authorization and accounting, controlled access, student eServices expressing the knowledge management and innovative features of the project, by the following deliveries:
WP.1.1 eEnrollment
This system includes modules to exchange info and automatic reporting, provides grading system, selection methodology, electronic registration and application, pro-active customized feedback, etc.
WP.1.2 eStudent activity
This module actually reflects the idea od all student services to be realized as eServices including registration of semester, courses, subjects and electives, class schedule, pro-active customized notification, administration of competed courses and ECTS, summary and reporting.
WP.1.3 eStudent identification and accounting
The goal is to introduce RFID or similar identification for students and enable authentication, authorization, accounting and access to university resources and services.
WP.1.4 eStudent Services and LMS
Previous modules concerned registration, while this delivery concerns links with other university services, like links to Learning Management System, social networking infrastructure, collaboration tools, library access and other types of pro-active customized notifications.
WP.1 (DEV) eStudent Management System
WP.2 (DEV) Assessment and certification
WP.3 (DISS) Dissemination
WP.4 (EXP) Sustainability
WP.5 (QPLN) Quality control
WP.6 (MNGT) Management
ТЕМПУС (Транс – Европска мобилна програма за универзитетски студенти) програмата ги поттикнува институциите во земјите членки на ЕУ и земјите- партнери да се вклучат во структурирана соработка преку создавање на "конзорциуми". На "конзорциумите" имплементираат заеднички европски проекти (JEPs) со сет од јасни цели. Таквите проекти можат да добијат финансиска помош за две или три години. Темпус исто така, обезбедува индивидуална мобилност на грантови (IMGs) на поединци кои работат во секторот за високото образование со цел да им помогнат да работат на одредени активности во другите земји.