
WP.6 (MNGT) Management
Project Management Team (PMT) is the executive body in the management. It consists of contact persons specified in the project. Steering committee will have decision making role and approve actions to fulfil project objectives. The steering committee will consist of Rector/Deans of beneficiary partners and contact persons from EU partners.

WP.6.1 Planning and management of activities

This activity specifies PMT coordination meetings in order to plan and organize all relevant activities to reach the project outcomes. 4 coordination meetings will be organized for discussion about activities schedule, analysis of problems and detailed plan. 20 Skype meetings will be organized (one per month) to address the management issues.

WP.6.2 Board and Steering Committee Meetings

4 Steering committee meetings (each 6 months) will be organized to evaluate the current project progress and make decisions for further actions. These are extremely important to address the key decision making personnel in project realization and implementation. Steering committee makes decisions on activities to be taken to fulfil the project outcomes and meeting the performance indicators. The meetings will focus on realized activities and eventual reschedule; analysis of results and outcomes.

WP.6.3 Reporting

Reporting is realized by PMT and is activity to support organization of Steering Committee meetings by providing sufficient information for decision making body. Reporting includes detailed specification about performed activities, realization of project plan, identification of problems and obstacles that provokes delays, analysis of possible solutions to reach deadlines, matching performance indicators, quality control audits, external reviews etc.

ТЕМПУС (Транс – Европска мобилна програма за универзитетски студенти) програмата ги поттикнува институциите во земјите членки на ЕУ и земјите- партнери да се вклучат во структурирана соработка преку создавање на "конзорциуми". На "конзорциумите" имплементираат заеднички европски проекти (JEPs) со сет од јасни цели. Таквите проекти можат да добијат финансиска помош за две или три години. Темпус исто така, обезбедува индивидуална мобилност на грантови (IMGs) на поединци кои работат во секторот за високото образование со цел да им помогнат да работат на одредени активности во другите земји.

УГД - Центар за електронско учење - Штип