Project Tempus JPGR 511342 - iKnow
WP.3 (DISS) Dissemination
The awareness campaigns will include promotion of: the new system, project results and deliveries. The campaigns will publish dissemination material and deliver presentations at dissemination events. The dissemination material will include printed information brochures; flyers and posters about the project activities and results.
WP.3.1 Web promotion and social networking
This delivery uses two most used media promotion channels: web promotion and usage of social networks, expressing innovative approach and knowledge management techniques. The first activity is realization of dissemination strategy and action plan, and then setting and updating web site and social networking channel.
Web publishing is important to meet relevant project objectives. The main goal is awareness raising campaign offering essential and detailed information about project deliveries. Usage of social networks is also a key technology and distribution media, especially for prospective students and young generations where the popularity of this kind of media is increasing.
WP.3.2 Dissemination events for awareness raising
The developed strategy within previous delivery also concerns realization of dissemination events for awareness raising campaign for wider target group. Presentations will cover the new system and the new electronic services environment. The strategy for presentations to prospective students will be defined. The activities cover preparation of presentations and promotional material, promotion at high schools, “open days”, conferences, fairs for prospective students, and advertising campaigns.
WP.1 (DEV) eStudent Management System
WP.2 (DEV) Assessment and certification
WP.3 (DISS) Dissemination
WP.4 (EXP) Sustainability
WP.5 (QPLN) Quality control
WP.6 (MNGT) Management
ТЕМПУС (Транс – Европска мобилна програма за универзитетски студенти) програмата ги поттикнува институциите во земјите членки на ЕУ и земјите- партнери да се вклучат во структурирана соработка преку создавање на "конзорциуми". На "конзорциумите" имплементираат заеднички европски проекти (JEPs) со сет од јасни цели. Таквите проекти можат да добијат финансиска помош за две или три години. Темпус исто така, обезбедува индивидуална мобилност на грантови (IMGs) на поединци кои работат во секторот за високото образование со цел да им помогнат да работат на одредени активности во другите земји.