Project Tempus JPGR 511342 - iKnow
WP.5 (QPLN) Quality control
Quality control is essential to add value to the realization of project objectives. All project outcomes will be monitored with appropriate reviews and quality approval documents.
WP.5.1 Methodology and Key performance indicators
This activity includes monitoring of activities by a number of progress indicators: quality of deliveries, quality of dissemination and sustainability strategies and action plans, evaluation of feedback.
WP.5.2 Internal evaluation of packages
New system design will be evaluated at five levels: by administration, professors, university management, Ministry of education, and by students. This will ensure high quality of the realized system.
WP.5.3 External quality audit (student focus groups, government representatives)
Referee reports will be given to approve the realized activities. The participants at the events will also express their user satisfaction and surveys will be used to address opinion of student focus groups and government representatives.
WP.1 (DEV) eStudent Management System
WP.2 (DEV) Assessment and certification
WP.3 (DISS) Dissemination
WP.4 (EXP) Sustainability
WP.5 (QPLN) Quality control
WP.6 (MNGT) Management
ТЕМПУС (Транс – Европска мобилна програма за универзитетски студенти) програмата ги поттикнува институциите во земјите членки на ЕУ и земјите- партнери да се вклучат во структурирана соработка преку создавање на "конзорциуми". На "конзорциумите" имплементираат заеднички европски проекти (JEPs) со сет од јасни цели. Таквите проекти можат да добијат финансиска помош за две или три години. Темпус исто така, обезбедува индивидуална мобилност на грантови (IMGs) на поединци кои работат во секторот за високото образование со цел да им помогнат да работат на одредени активности во другите земји.